eCommerce SEO checklist to boost traffic and sales in 2022

Reddy Mohith
5 min readJun 12, 2022


Amazon and Flipkart are the two eCommerce giants you frequently use to buy your goods. But what is that little secret behind their successful story, from a startup to a big giant? Do you dream of creating one such giant? Or are you worried about scaling your already existing eCommerce business? And how do you improve your eCommerce business and sales?

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Do you know that it is not always about the quality of products and the excellent delivery services? It is that your online store must appear in the top 10 of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) so that more people can visit you and buy from you.

How do you rank your eCommerce site in search engines? The SEO checklist here will help you with everything. This post is especially for you if you own an eCommerce business, or worried about getting sales, or even dream of creating one.

The eCommerce website SEO checklist

Table of contents:

  • Find relevant and optimized keywords
  • Focus on on-page SEO
  • Create unique product descriptions for each product
  • Establish an easy site architecture
  • Improve site loading speed
  1. Find relevant and optimized keywords:

Keywords play a key role when ranking any kind of website, and it is crucial for an eCommerce site since the site performance depends on the number of sales you make.

You should be careful and watchful while searching for keywords for your eCommerce site. For productive keyword hunting, you should have a clear vision of what your site is about and the products you sell.

Before picking any keywords, you should also identify the search volume, cost per click, and user intent of that particular keyword. Use the keywords that match your products.

To make it a little better, you can also analyze your competitors’ websites to find the keywords they have used to rank their sites on search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

For instance, if you are buying books online and let your targeted keyword be fiction books.

Here are a few keyword tools that help you find the right keywords for your eCommerce site.

  4. Google keyword planner

2. Focus on on-page SEO:


On-page SEO focuses on optimizing every individual web page of your site. This includes optimizing the HTML source code and the web page content such as the home page, products page, contact page, and the sales page (if you have any discounts) to rank better. This also includes the description, title, and URL of the product.

To untangle keywords are the pain points of your audience. Whenever a person searches for the pain points, the well-optimized websites of that keyword appear first.

For example, your search for “the best fiction books to buy.” The fiction books is your pain point, and a bunch of results pops up. Each one of these websites will be optimized with your pain point.

Imagine what, Amazon will be in the top three. If you observe everything, their product page will be completely optimized.

3. Create unique product descriptions:


This is one of the top things ignored by every startup eCommerce business. Of course, it is an eCommerce site, and you will have a lot of categories to sell from. Sometimes, there will be similar products with slight differences.

In such cases, it can be hard to write a perfect description for each one of the products. So, you will have to give the same information for both.

There is no wrong in it. But it makes it hard for search engines to recognize which product perfectly matches with description and the audience pain point. Since you provided the same narration for both the products, search engines recognize it as duplicity, and they stop ranking your webpage.

Try giving the product descriptions as specific as possible. Even a single line or a bunch of words can make a lot of difference.

4. Establish an easy site architecture:

This is another crucial step. It does not matter how great and well-optimized your site is. If your site is not user-friendly, it will never make it through the competition.

You should confirm that whatever the product you add or the changes you make, it should be easy for people to access them.

Let us consider Amazon. When you search for something, they show you a bunch of results. When you click on one of them, you get all the required information you need regarding the product you chose in one or two clicks. That is the last click to know about the product.

What do you think would transpire? If amazon redirected you from click to click or asked you to pop more than 5–6 times to land you on your desired product page?

2–3 clicks should land a person at their destination. This is not only important to get sales but also to rank your site on search engines. This will make it easier for search engines to understand your site and products, resulting in better rankings.

5. Improve site loading speed :

How would you feel if your phone responds slowly to your commands? Similarly, whenever a person searches for “the best fiction books to buy.” A few results in SERP pops, he clicks on whatever the site comes first, and it takes more than the actual time to load and navigate. What do you think he might do?

Yes, even though the site contains more valuables than others, he still closes it and moves on to the other website. This results in low traffic to your site. Therefore your conversion rates will automatically drop. 2 to 3 seconds is the maximum time to load a successful page or a webpage.

Final words:

There are many other strategies like marketing. However, SEO still plays a key role while reaching more customers and generating sales organically.



Reddy Mohith

Content writer| Content creator| Copywriter #talks about entertainment, lifestyle, books, finance, technical, e-commerce and health. IG @freelance_writer_mohith